Journey to the Heart of the World
We are bringing together a group of 5 leaders who share the dream of a heart-centered world, connected to nature and in harmony with the spiritual well-being of all life on planet Earth.
Plan to arrive on Friday (11/3) at Valledupar Airport. The group transport will leave for Pueblo Bello on Saturday (11/4) at 11am.
The closing circle for the trek will be the morning Saturday, November 11th. There will be transportation to Santa Marta Airport in time for 3pm flights on that day.
Fitness requirements
There will be hiking expeditions that will demand for each participant to carry their own water for up to 6 hours of walking in mountainous terrain.
Adventure mode
As we journey through Sierra Nevada, the type of accommodations will vary. Be ready to sleep in traditional huts and outdoor hammocks.
- Transportation from Valledupar until Santa Marta
- Accommodations and meals from November 4th to 12th
- Entrance fees for visited locations and activities
Not included
- Flights into Valledupar and out from Santa Marta
- Discretionary purchases from Arhuaco vendors
- Personal gifts and donations for the Arhuaco
Requested contribution
We ask each participant to make a financial contribution of USD$1,333 that will cover expenditures for the journey and donations to the Arhuaco. Scholarships and work exchanges are available for those with limited funds.
Enter the majesty of Nature
Sierra Nevada Niwi Umukin (Colombia) is a majestic mountain range where the wisdom of indigenous peoples closely converges with ecological nature.
This powerful region considered the pyramid of the Caribbean. With each step one climbs up these sacred mountains, there is exuberant beauty and healing energy. Visitors walking these lands have spoken of incredible experiences and spiritual renewal.
Ancient wisdom, right on time
As the elder brothers and sisters of humanity, the Arhuacos possess critical wisdom that can help us guide modern society toward a way of being that is peaceful, compassionate, and life-sustaining.
By simply walking on the earth and being in the presence of the Mamos, we have the possibility of living a transformative experience.
Weaving tradition at the roots
The Arhuaco are welcoming us into their community to share their traditions in an intimate setting. There will be wisdom councils with elders and cultural exchanges.
Owing to the powerful energy of Sierra Nevada, Arhuaco cacao is already considered among the best in the world. The journey will feature both ceremonial cacao and natural coffee as teachers and allies for harmony and coherence.

Arrive in Valledupar
Valledupar is the nearest airport to Pueblo Bello and Nabusimake. We will recommend an airport hotel.

Travel to Pueblo Bello
We will gather at the airport hotel for breakfast and depart for Pueblo Bello together at 11am. The travel time will be 90 minutes. There will be time for activities in Pueblo Bello.

Cacao immersion in Pueblo Bello
Pueblo Bello is a primary center for Arhuaco cacao production. We will visit Arhuaco cacao cultivation and production sites. There will be a traditional cacao ceremony and cultural experiences.

Travel to Nabusimake
We will travel to Nabusimake by 4X4 vehicles. The travel time will be 90 minutes on bumpy mountain roads. There will be time for activites in Nabusimake.

Traditional day in Nabusimake
The Arhuaco are eager to share with us their coffee production and their culture.

Pilgrimage into Nature
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta has stunning Nature. We will pilgrimage to make spiritual payments to Mother Earth.

Travel to Valledupar
We will return to Pueblo Bello and then Valledupar for the night.

Travel to Palomino
We travel around the Sierra Nevada mountain to the ocean side town of Palomino.

Ocean prayer in Palomino
The Arhuaco community in Palomino will join us for spiritual payments to the sea and celebrations.

Depart from Santa Marta
We will have a closing breakfast together and then ride to Santa Marta airport.
Indigenous owned and operated
Our vision is to build an organization that defends the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. We are focused on indigenous issues and environmental preservation. We aim to raise the consciousness of our human brothers and sisters by sharing our spiritual wisdom.
My name is Asdrúbal Torres (left) and I am a member of the Tayrona Arhuaco people of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. While studying human rights in Geneva, I began to think about the need to defend the territory of Sierra Nevada. From there the concept of Ywawika was born.